What people are saying.

  • “I saw Lisa only once...she is gifted to heal. I went to see her to deal with anxiety, sleeping problems.etc. I have tried many therapies...even medication... it has helped but only temporary… I wanted a permanent change. I think hypnotherapy is the answer I was seeking for so long. I could feel a shift very quickly in my body...I am sleeping much better. It is a relief.. what else can I say? Thanks from my heart. I recommend Lisa to anybody.”

    — GRACIE

  • “Dearest Lisa, I wanted to take some time. to let you know how helpful my sessions with you have been to me. I'm a survivor of childhood abuse and since our appointments I've been diagnosed with PTSD. During our sessions I felt safe enough to start opening the door to face it and start taking steps to heal. Trauma is a seriously insidious condition that a lot of us carry without even realising. Lisa has provided an environment where you feel safe and can move through the process and get some real results. HIGHLY RECOMMEND.”


  • “Still going strong and never going back. It's amazing how quickly that you start to feel a lot more healthy, I love the easy, deep long breaths that I'm able to now have and even the air tastes nice. I can't believe how quickly that I'm recovering from 50 years of smoking so I guess that things will just keep getting better. No one believed that I'd quit and even thought that I'd take the fags back up but no way, never again!”

    — GLEN

  • "I had a great experience with Lisa. For years I've been drinking energy drinks, specifically guava rockstars. And I just knew I needed time assistance in breaking this habit. One session with Lisa was all it took and I haven't drunk one since. Even though I still have heaps at home in my fridge, it's not a problem. I had an open can in the car driving back from my appointment that I had no interest in. Very effective. Go see her if you need help breaking bad habits."

    • - JORDAN

  • I have been seeing Lisa for a few months now and the changes I have seen in my self-esteem, energy levels and confidence are hard to describe. I have seen other professionals before but it always felt hard and like I made no progress, but with Lisa it has been easy and the results amazing and life changing. After just one visit I already felt like this weight had been removed from me that I didn't even realise I was caring. With her help I feel more energised, happy and healthy. I would highly recommend her to everyone wanting to make positive changes to their lives. I cannot wait to see what else I can accomplish with Lisa's help and support.


  • I went to see Lisa as I was dealing with a new facial nerve pain diagnosis & not only was I in excruciating pain but I hadn’t been able to sleep for weeks & I was exhausted. Lisa has a calm way about her & I was able to relax quickly and Lisa put me into the hypnosis state easily. I feel after the session with Lisa that I am now able to emotionally deal with the pain a lot better. And I’m absolutely thrilled to say that I have also had full uninterrupted sleep since, which has been a massive help. I highly recommend Lisa.


  • I have seen Lisa a few times for Hypnosis. I have always been open minded about these types of therapies. It has really worked for me on so many levels. Weight loss, sleep, anxiety. I never thought I would find relief from any of these situations! Even my sugar addition has reduced significantly. I am forever grateful and feel like I have control now... and energy.. give it a try! What have you got to lose.. ... just that part of your mind that thinks it has control over you!!!


  • Hi Lisa, I wanted to let you know how I was going since I did your group quit sugar session. Before the session I was eating chocolate everyday, sometimes multiple times per day. Since this session, I have not eaten one piece of chocolate! I have chocolate in my pantry that I see every day and I've had no desire to eat it. I don't crave it and I don't feel like I'm missing out in any way. I also feel like I'm making better decisions in my general eating too. I feel so much better and I'm even starting to lose weight! You're amazing and I can't wait to do some more hypnotherapy with you!


  • Meeting Lisa has changed my life. Years of suppressing and avoiding emotions led me to depression. Through our sessions I have learnt that by accepting your truth and confronting your past trauma/anxiety/fears head on - only then can you start to heal. And when you heal past trauma, you can actually heal your nervous system. The mind body connection is remarkable. You have helped me like and trust myself again. You've helped me reconnect with my inner voice. You've reminded me that this is my life - no one else's.