Frequently Asked Questions

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a completely natural state of mind where the participant feels completely relaxed both physically and mentally. Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state that people experience up to 150 times a day. Remember the last time you were driving and reached your destination and thought, “I don’t even remember driving those last 10 minutes.” That is an example of being in the hypnotic state

What is a Clinical Hypnotherapist?

A Clinical Hypnotherapist is a specialist in hypnosis, who uses the healing state of hypnosis to work with problems or conditions that a client wishes to change.

Will I be asleep or unconscious?

No. In hypnosis, the conscious mind takes a rest but you will not be asleep or unconscious. The feeling of hypnosis is a deeply relaxed state.

Is Hypnotherapy mind control?

No. All hypnosis is considered self-hypnosis and nobody can be hypnotised without being a fully consenting and willing participant. In the same way, a Hypnotherapist is not able to control you in any way.

How does hypnosis feel?

The feeling when in hypnosis is of being completely relaxed, both physically and mentally.

Can anyone be hypnotised?

Yes. Anybody that is a willing participant can be hypnotised.

What will happen in a Hypnotherapy session?

We will chat about what has brought you to Hypnotherapy and what you would like to see or feel at the end of your sessions. After our initial chat, I will guide you into hypnosis using various relaxation methods which I believe is most appropriate for you. Once in this relaxed or ‘trance’ state, positive suggestions can be accepted by the subconscious mind to bring about long-term change. After a session you may feel uplifted, clearer and most likely, very relaxed.

Do you only see women?

No, I have many male clients too. Although most of my messaging is around supporting women, I love to mix it up and hypnotise men too. Do you think your Dad, partner or brother could benefit from hypnotherapy? Tell them to head to my booking page or give me a call.

"When I first went to see Lisa for Hypnotherapy, Instantly I was relaxed. She genuinely cares for her clients and has a passion for what she does. I have had several sessions with her and the changes with my mindset are great. Would really recommend her. Thanks Lisa "


Terms and Conditions

While hypnosis has many beneficial effects, hypnosis is not a substitute for appropriate medical attention. Statements and products offered by The Healthy Hypnotherapist are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure nor prevent any disease or illness. When dealing with a physical and/or mental illness or disease always consult a qualified physician or therapist.

Lisa Forsberg (The Healthy Hypnotherapist) makes no financial guarantees about any products or services. The only one that can ultimately guarantee your success is you. Instructions and information provided are, and are intended to be, educational in nature; providing information, instruction, support and encouragement.

Lisa Forsberg is an Internationally certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Integral Yoga Teacher, not a Licensed Physician, nor a Psychologist and does not hold herself out to provide any form of healthcare. Please consult your health care provider before making any health care decisions. Hypnosis recordings are not recommended for people suffering from mental disorders or illness. Never listen to hypnosis recordings while driving a car or operating machinery. When listening to hypnosis recordings, choose an environment that is quiet and safe.

In accordance with the ACA guidelines concerning use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising, please be aware of the following: Testimonials appearing on this site are received via email submission. They are individual experiences, reflecting real life experiences of those that have used our products and/or services in some way or another. However, they are individual results and results may vary. We do not claim that they are typical results that all consumers will generally achieve. The testimonials are not necessarily representative of all those who will use our products/services and are given verbatim except for correction of grammatical or typing errors.

Lisa Forsberg is not responsible for any of the opinions or comments posted to our site. Additionally, testimonials are not intended to make claims that these products can be used to diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease. These claims have not been clinically proven or evaluated.

As per Australian Consumer Laws, I sincerely want you to succeed and pledge to help you to the best of my ability. A Hypnotherapist is considered a guide or facilitator. You assume equal responsibility by making a commitment and allowing yourself to be guided into a state of hypnosis. Results may vary from person to person. I do not offer refunds for any reason.

Rediscover your self worth, inner peace, and zest for life through the gentle yet effective practice of Hypnotherapy